So I was going through old blog posts (ah, memories), and realized that I had promised to tell you about my trip home from California, but never did. Bet you're still on the edge of your seats (or, you know, most likely not)
Since my buddies William and Nate were to return home without me, I had purchased Amtrak tickets home from Fresno to Chicago, then from Chicago to Ann Arbor where I was going to catch a ride home with one of my best friends and his mom.
Let me start with this: Amtrak is the most comfortable way to travel. Not the fastest, not the most convenient, but the most comfortable. It's also amazingly beautiful.
I will never understand people who think this is boring. Never. |
Taking the train is a great way to meet people. I sat next to a woman from Seattle who used to work the switchboard in the Navy, then eventually was in counseling. She ended up asking for my e-mail to give to one of her grandsons. Whilst I'm glad my grandmother and mother don't do that to me (thank you by the way mom), I thought it was cute and acquiesced (and no, I never got an e-mail either). From Denver I sat next to a woman who ran a small newspaper and was in the arts. She slept most of the trip, but it was nice talking to her when she was awake since we had a shared interest in art.