Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I think it was originally my teacher, and later my mother that used to tell me only boring people get bored. And i am so bored. And so very boring right now. Other than marathoning Star Trek Deep Space Nine for the last three weeks, the most exciting thing that has happened was my brother butt dialed me on Sunday.

But I've decided to go do something tomorrow. Anything. I don't know yet, but it will involve the need to wear pants. Something I've been sorely lacking for the last month or so. Maybe I'll go be one of those dweebs at the coffee shop writing a novel. I mean, why not? I've put in job applications to everywhere that will give me one so my days are mostly just filled with waiting to go to sleep again.

Grah. I wish I was still a teenager and satisfied with playing video games all day.

1 comment:

  1. M. Night ScramalamadingdongJune 23, 2012 at 6:39 AM

    I've only got 10 comics plus 1 cover left, so if you haven't done the next batch it'd be something to do. Chances are you've already done that, though.
