Friday, May 27, 2011

Table Make-over


For Christmas, my grandfather rescued this...lovely...table for me to use in my apartment. He also gave me some paint, because my grandfather is smart like that. I am neither a Jeremy or a Britney.

So one blustery winter afternoon I set about working on this project. I was going to paint the table white, because I am on a white kick and have been painting everything white.

I got the legs and sides done and had started on the top.

You see that bright green circle up there? I don't know what kind of paint that is, but I'm pretty sure it's evil. It will neither wash off or be painted over. It did not matter how many coats of primer, it bled through. Obviously I was going to have to change tactics.

Luckily, a few months ago I had picked up some vintage wallpaper from Goodwill. I decided to paper the top of the table, and then put a layer of contact paper over that. It's not the most permanent solution, since wallpaper wasn't really made to be washed everyday, but considering what I primarily use the table for is to keep my scanner and printer off the ground, it works.


However, I'm planning on moving out of my house come August and have decided I'm not taking this table with me. If you or someone you know loves it and wants to come and get it, they can have it. Otherwise, I'll be giving Goodwill back this section of wallpaper.

But it is a smashing after picture, isn't it?

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ode to Lake Fanny Hooe

My computer is in a state of disrepair, I am currently in the process of re-formatting my hard-drive, installing Windows 7 and putting it all in a new case. Since I am currently without a home computer, I've been remiss in updating, so I have a back log of blog entries that I plan to post this week. The following entry was written on May 4th.

I know the place where summer hides
Deep amongst the trees

In sun soaked ceder it does abide
Warming evergreens

In moss filled woods where the squirrels will run
and the birds will sing and flowers in the sun

I know the place where summer hides
And winter's breath is gone

The stir of creatures living lives
A forest full of sound

Crackling underbrush flitting through trees
Chirping warnings and buzzing bees

I know the place where summer hides
Light dappling on the waves

The bones of trees reach to the skies
As growth begins anew

In one breath my blues are gone
It is for this my soul did long

I know the place where summer hides
