Saturday, October 29, 2011

YOU! You need to read this.

Those of you who know me, know I suffer from clinical depression from time to time. Those of you who don't know me, now know that.

The worst part about having a disease that causes a chemical imbalance in your brain that inhibits your ability to feel anything other than soul-crushing sadness is that a lot of people think you can 'just snap out of it'. When I'm not suffering an attack of depression, I do my best to just not bring up the subject. When I am, I do my best to not punch these people in the face.

Emotions follow a natural osculating pattern, sometimes you're up and sometimes you're down, when people tell you to 'get over it', they're assuming you're just in one of your down phases. Depression is not a down phase followed by an up one, it is the inability to go into an up phase. Exactly what depression feels like (and it is not the same as being sad) to someone who's never had it is a bit like trying to explain what snozzberries taste like.

And then Allie at Hyperbole and a Half wrote this beautiful post: Adventures in Depression

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

24 Hour Comic

I participated in the 24 hour comic challenge this year. This is the result:

Monday, October 24, 2011

Usually my snappy answers are more timely...

Soooo...I finally thought of a snappy answer to people who ask me why I don't have a facebook page:

"Facebook makes it difficult for me to maintain the illusion that my friends are interesting and intelligent people."

What do you think?