Now this image has also appeared in a zine and an online magazine Certain Circuits. The picture was also printed on the cake for the opening of Certain Circuits: Collaborate Collaborator (pic coming soon). As well as an upcoming print ad for the Vertin Gallery.
I never thought an image of me wearing half a bed-sheet and a curtain (from K-mart's Martha Stewart collection no less) would get so much mileage. My mother must be so proud.
While many of my friends decry television and commercials as being desperately bourgeois or blue-collar (whichever sect of income level represents the "Them" in their personal "Us & Them" delineation), I realize that the challenges of creating promotional materials, and the rules and boundaries that accompany them often produce the most creative works of art. I am constantly hearing from successful artists that creativity needs structure, and the advertising world provides structure and money, so it is shouldn't really come as a surprise that some of the most creative works are ads.
Often when I watch ads, I think about what makes the ones I like good, and what I would do differently with the ones I hate. I also like to think of analog methods to do the same thing a lot of advertisers are using computer graphics to do, I find myself constantly asking "What would this add looked like 30 years ago?" Sometimes I find I don't understand why they felt they needed computer graphics (such as a tin of soda spilling over) and sometimes there truly is no way to reproduce what they have done without the use of computer animation.
One of the perks of working at the gallery is that after a show opening, I get all the left over cake a body could want. One of the perks of being an adult is that I can eat cake whenever I want.
Do you know what you can do when you have cake for breakfast every day?
Neither do I. The resulting sugar highs make my memory of this weekend a little hazy.
All I know is I woke up in my living room covered in frosting and surrounded by art. Adulthood is awesome.