Friday, April 15, 2011

My Scarlett O'Hara Moment(s)

Some of you might remember this image:

I didn't use it in my post (The Desire to Make Art), but Stephanie used it in her post about the same thing (Photo Art Collaboration with Sarah Anderson).

Now this image has also appeared in a zine and an online magazine Certain Circuits. The picture was also printed on the cake for the opening of Certain Circuits: Collaborate Collaborator (pic coming soon). As well as an upcoming print ad for the Vertin Gallery.

I never thought an image of me wearing half a bed-sheet and a curtain (from K-mart's Martha Stewart collection no less) would get so much mileage. My mother must be so proud.


  1. that is fairly amazing. kudos.


  2. Well, I'm proud!

    No one wears half bed-sheets and curtains as well; I think Stephanie captured an amazing moment with this image. Nice location choice and color balance.
