Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cake for Breakfast!

One of the perks of working at the gallery is that after a show opening, I get all the left over cake a body could want. One of the perks of being an adult is that I can eat cake whenever I want.

Do you know what you can do when you have cake for breakfast every day?

Neither do I. The resulting sugar highs make my memory of this weekend a little hazy.

All I know is I woke up in my living room covered in frosting and surrounded by art. Adulthood is awesome.


  1. I'd be more than willing to take that a step further and eat cake for every meal. (midnight snacks included).

  2. M. Night ShamalamadamascramaApril 6, 2011 at 10:46 PM

    I approve of this message

  3. Being an adult is being able to do the things you always wanted to as a child without the fear of getting in trouble from your parents or teachers...instead you have the little voice of reason to fight with.

  4. My little voice of reason is usually how I end up in these situations. It tends to reason that since I have cake, I should eat it.
