Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday Night

I find stuff. I find a lot of stuff. Sometimes people ask me how I find such interesting things. Sometimes it's a shiny yellow action figure, sometimes it's a television show featuring a strong black female central character, sometimes it's the movies I pick to watch, or a random bit of information I happen to know. Inevitable, everyone I know asks how I do that.

I usually answer I don't know.

Tonight I bothered to figure it out. It's not that I'm good at finding stuff, or even better than average at it, it's because I am thoughtful and precise about what I share with other people. If it's not that interesting to me, I don't think it will be that interesting to someone else. If the person I'm talking to is a cat person I don't share tips on how to train a dog.

It turns out being good at something is not always in the doing, but sometimes in the editing.

That being said, I thought I'd share this video. I'll warn you though, it's no double rainbow!

This is a link. Click on it. But not if you have dial-up.


  1. That link was awesome. I am now going to share it with others. thank you.


  2. That video made me tear up. There is no end to how far a little understanding can go.

  3. i posted a comment on this thing, and now its gone. mysterious?


  4. Dearest William, I moderate my comments so they only show up if approve them.
