Friday, February 4, 2011

Random Word Generated Friday: Special

Random Word: Special

I watch a lot of horror movies, which means I end up watching a lot of indie (and in this case, foreign, but there's a large cross over in audience) movies because there are really only two types of indie film when you get down to it: Horror and Drama.

Watching the previews for one of the many horror movies (I think it was "Let the Right One In") I came across the preview for "Special". My brother and I thought it looked like the kind of move that was right up our ally. It is, a darkly humorous look on everyday life as viewed through a man going through a drug induced psychotic episode.

It's one of those movies that makes you laugh, then you stop because you realize what happened is far more sad than it is funny.

"Special" reminds you that the world in your head is, and always will be, better than reality.