Sunday, May 6, 2012

Caffeine Withdrawal

As some of you know (and the rest of you do now too, yay!) I decided to do a little caffeine detox starting Thursday. The reason behind this is it was taking two pots of coffee and several cans of Diet Coke just to stave off the headache.

First stop was a little research. Caffeine stays active in the system for six hours, but withdrawal symptoms can last anywhere between 2 and 9 days. I decided to cut the java cold turkey for nine days.

I had no idea how hard it is to not drink coffee. Even without the negative side effects of not ingesting my daily dose of java it's hard to go without it in the morning. There's nothing like the flavor or aroma, and there fore no replacement.

So far I'm on day four. It isn't fun, but it's getting better. I'll be back with a full nine-day report when I finish this little dietary experiment. But until the headaches, inability to focus and joint pain go away (all withdrawal symptoms. Fun, right?) I doubt I'll be getting very many blog posts in. Not any coherent ones at any rate.

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