Friday, January 14, 2011

Random Word Generated Friday

Today's Word: Deciding

Dear Random Word Generator...I don't think you understand what a noun is. I don't know if that's upsetting or if that just makes you more random.

It is one thing to decide to do something, another to start doing it and yet another to finish with the follow through. There seems to be a lot of support to start something by the general society, but not a lot about finishing. We are all applauded by the anonymous crowd for deciding to quit smoking, drinking, begin exercising or losing weight, but sometimes it seems like the continuation or the completion of a goal.

I, personally, have no problem beginning something. Deciding to do something is easy for me. What really kicks my keister is finishing. This is probably why I have more projects in various states of completion than I can count (or even remember) and three half-read books on by bedside table.

In the past few months, I feel I have gotten better at finishing. Part of it probably has to do with my decision to  start fewer things and learning to be more focused on a project through to the end.

And rewarding myself. It is amazing how focused I can be on something when there is the promise of new shoes at the end of it.


  1. This comment here is to confirm my suspicions.

  2. M. Night ShamalamadamascramaJanuary 15, 2011 at 7:37 PM

    Maybe we SHOULD go into business together. Finishing is no problem to me. For me the brick wall is at the start line.

  3. Only if we share an office. Then I can throw shoes at you to start and you can throw shoes at me to finish. Other arrangements are too far apart for my throwing arm.
